Band Photos and FanAngel – Upcoming Booster Events

Thank you to all the volunteers who helped out with concessions, water and snacks, and stand lights setup at Friday’s football game.  Unfortunately the Matador Football team lost their first game…..but the season is just starting and we hope they have better outcomes in the rest of the season!

There are two major events this week to be aware of.


Band Photos (Individual and Group)

AUG 27 (Tuesday 2:30pm to 5:00pm SMHS Band Room):  The Boosters will have a professional photographer (Anjeanette Photography) taking individual and group photos of all Marching Band and Color Guard students.  These photos will be available for parents to view and download in the next weeks.  We hope to have the Senior Banners up at the next home football game. 

Please see Ms. Morgan’s Band Calendar for additional details.

FanAngel Donation Drive

First weeks of September –  The Boosters are looking to kickoff our largest Fall fundraiser FanAngel in the first couple of weeks of September.  Please be on the lookout for Parent Information emails this week from the Boosters and Ms. Morgan for details about this important fundraising activity.

Next Week – Home Football Game – Band Performance

SEP 6–  Friday Night against Dysart (Kickoff is 7pm).  This will be the Military and First Responders Night with activities organized by the SMHS PTC.  Boosters will need volunteers for the Concession Cart, pre-game stand setup/teardown, water and snack duty (look for SignUpGenius emails next week).  Band will be performing in the stands (no field show until Homecoming)


Student Payments and Shoe and Glove Orders 

Student Payment –  Due to Boosters by Aug. 31  Student Payment Info and How To Pay     If you have not yet paid the Boosters, please get us your payment as soon as you can.  If you need to make a payment plan (2 payments) to help ease the burden, just email the Booster Treasurer  and work out a schedule.

Shoe and Glove Orders –  Due this week as we will place the order next week.  Place orders with payment in the gray box next to Ms. Morgan’s office.

Thank You to our Generous Sponsors