Another fun packed week ahead for our performers!
Home Football Game – Band Performance
SEP 6– Friday Night against Dysart (Kickoff is 7pm). This will be the Military and First Responders Night with activities organized by the SMHS PTC (a flyer should be sent out via emails this week from PTC). The Band Boosters will need volunteers for the Concession Cart, pre-game stand setup/teardown, water and snack duty. Please visit our SignUpGenius site to volunteer. Band will be performing in the stands (no field show until Homecoming)
Please see Ms. Morgan’s Band Calendar for call time, uniform, and any other details for this performance.
FanAngel Donation Drive
Booster are looking to launch our FanAngel Donation Drive this week, but we need ALL STUDENTS to input email addresses to their profiles before the drive can begin. The platform won’t work for us unless we have all student’s potential doners email addressed in the system before we launch!!
If your students are having issues with their account or need any assistance, please email Stacey: so she can help you out!
The Booster Board is looking for new members to begin shadowing current members in order to take on critical tasks for next years Booster Board (4 of the 6 current members are graduating out this year). Booster Board elections are in January with the new Board taking over after the elections. The Board term is essentially January to December of a given year. The outgoing Board members will stay involved through the remainder of the school year to help/train the incoming members.
The Boosters support many events throughout the year, each with its own set of coordinating activities and planning requirements (Senior Night, Homecoming, Future Matador Night, Casino Night, etc). There are also specific jobs that definitely would benefit from having some overlap/training to efficiently transition into the job.
- Uniforms
- Treasurer – Quickbooks
- Webmaster – WordPress (very easy to manage)
- Social Media – Facebook, Instagram, etc.
- SignUpGenius
- Fundraising
If you have any interest or would like additional information about any of these items/positions, please talk to us at the next Booster Meeting (SEP 26th) or contact any of the board members HERE
Student Payments
Student Payment – Due to Boosters by Aug. 31 Student Payment Info and How To Pay If you have not yet paid the Boosters, please get us your payment as soon as you can. If you need to make a payment plan (2 payments) to help ease the burden, just email the Booster Treasurer and work out a schedule.