We raise funds throughout the year, though the real push is during the spring semester when the band’s schedule is not so full. Funds raised go to supplement band travel costs, special instruction, meals and equipment, instruments, and anything else the band needs. In addition, we fund a senior scholarship program and we have a hardship program to assist students in need of help covering their annual band expenses.
Education Tax credit donations are a great way to help since, dollar-for-dollar, your donation is credited to your Arizona taxes. Simply print the Tax Credit Form, complete it and turn in the form and your check made payable to “Shadow Mountain High School”. The form and check can be turned in to the office, bookstore or band deposit box. Please make sure “band” is indicated on your donation form. We thank you for supporting the Shadow Mountain Band program!
Some of the other fundraisers planned during the year include our Corporate Sponsorship program, our Friends & Family Sponsorship program, Butterbraid and Gold Canyon Candle sales, Casino Night, Football Mania, letter writing campaign, car washes, basket raffles, and dine outs. In addition, prior to the fall marching season, we secure sponsors for our show shirts, banner, and trailer. We’re always looking for new fundraisers, so please email us with any ideas!