January Booster Meeting and Board Elections – JAN 14th!!

REMINDER:  January Booster Meeting and Board Elections

JAN 14 (Tuesday 6:00pm to 8pm – Location:  SMHS Band Room – see the Band Calendar):  Join us at our monthly Booster Meeting –   Band Calendar 

  • Booster Board Officer elections JAN 2025.  We would love to have anyone interested in joining the Booster Board join us to elect new board members/co-positions.  We are open to having “co-positions” where a position can be filled by two individuals to help share responsibilities.  All of the current board position holders are “graduating out” and will need to be replaced.
Board Positions (term: February 2025 to January 2026)
  • President  
  • Vice President 
  • Treasurer 
  • Secretary 

Additionally several essential committee chairs and volunteer positions currently held by parents of seniors will need to be transitioned to new volunteers:

  • Webmaster – responsible for updating/maintaining the smhsbandboosters.com WordPress website
  • Publicity/Communications – responsible for updating/maintaining the SMHS Booster Facebook and other social media sites, as well as sending out weekly booster information emails to parents.
  • SUG (SignUp Genius) – responsible for creating and managing our SignUp Genius signups for various events 

Tax Season is Coming:

Please check out the Tax Credit Donation page to see how you (or your family members or friends) can make a donation to the Band and get your entire donation back!! 

Thank You to our Generous Sponsors