Band FanAngel Fundraising Campaign – Starts Tuesday JAN 31st

Hello band families,   This week we will be starting our next Band Booster fundraiser using an online platform called FanAngel. All of the steps your child needs to complete occur  before the launch of the campaign. While the campaign will not officially launch until Tuesday JAN 31st, your child should create their FanAngel account […]

It’s HoopsMania Time! Get Your Tickets Today!

This year we will once again be selling ‘HoopsMania’ tickets as a fundraiser for the band. This is a fun and easy way to raise money, and we had great success with it last year. Important note: Selling tickets on the SMHS campus or at any PVUSD property is prohibited. How it works: Band parents sell […]

2018 Butter Braid Fundraiser

It’s Butter Braid® season! These delicious hand-braided pastries are an annual fundraising tradition for our program. Only available through fundraising, Butter Braid pastries come in a variety of flavors and are wonderful to give as gifts and to have in the house to up your dessert game throughout the year. Butter Braid® pastries are made […]