This year we will once again be selling ‘HoopsMania’ tickets as a fundraiser for the band. This is a fun and easy way to raise money, and we had great success with it the past few years.
Important note: Selling tickets on the SMHS campus or at any PVUSD property is prohibited.
How it works: Band parents sell tickets for $20 each to friends, family members, acquaintances, etc. Each ticket includes a code to access the associated downloadable music. Each ticket also includes a complimentary sweepstakes game card.
Each sweepstakes game card contains 8 random college basketball teams that will play in the tournament (you get 2 teams from each region). All cards have seeds 1 through 8 printed on them so everyone has an equal chance of winning. During the basketball tournament, participants simply add up the points scored by the teams printed on their game card.
Prizes are awarded to the 70 game cards whose teams score the most total combined points throughout the tournament. In addition, the 5 cards with the lowest total points scored also win. Last year, someone who bought a ticket from one of our sellers won the $1,000 grand prize for the most total points scored! (Disclaimer: Past performance is no guarantee of future results. But you can’t win if you don’t play!)
There are TWO ways to buy tickets for yourself or sell tickets to friends and family:
- Online – Simply direct people to the secure website at http://www.charitymania.
com/give/YA03F, or - Paper tickets – Contact Tom Cadden to obtain paper tickets to sell. When you sell paper tickets, collect the money and get it to Tom (or drop it in the box in the band room), and text a photo of the filled-out stub to Tom.
We can sell tickets up through 8:59 p.m. Wednesday, March 18. However, if you’re selling paper tickets, please get the stub information to Tom a day early so the ticket can be activated before the deadline.
This is a big fundraiser for our band, so please participate by spreading the word and selling tickets.