Pearl Harbor Parent Meeting & Saturday’s State Schedule!


Monday November 7, at 7:30 pm will be the Pearl Harbor Parent Information Meeting/November Booster Meeting!  Please make sure to  have at least one parent attend this meeting as Mr. Simon will be handing out the information packet with the packing list and going over critical trip information!  If you cannot make the meeting, please make arrangements with Mr. Simon to get the information from him.


The schedule for State Competition from Mr. Simon is listed below.  Anyone wishing to follow the buses from Shadow to State please note the times.  A few parents will be decorating their cars to follow along to cheer on the band & all are welcome to join in.  If you are attending the competition, please join the other parents in the stand & let’s have a big cheering section for our kids!


2016 ABODA State Festival


McClintock High School

1830 E Del Rio Dr, Tempe, AZ 85282


2:45 call time, half uniform on, truck loading

3:30 depart for MHS

4:00 arrive, unload, restrooms

4:50 head to visual warm up area

4:55 visual warm-up

5:25 head to music warm-up Area B

5:30 music warm up Area B

6:00 head to the gate

6:15 performance time

6:30 group photo, then back to trucks to load up, change out of uniform

approx. 7:15 pick up dinner from Band Boosters, proceed back to stands to watch bands 

9:00 Awards Ceremony

9:15 Top Ten Drawing for Championship performance order

9:25 trail back to the bus

approx. 9:30 depart for Shadow Mountain

approx. 10:00 arrive at SMHS, unload


Natan Simon

Director of Bands

Shadow Mountain High School (602) 449-3036

Shea Middle School (602) 449-3500