Booster Events – Week of SEP 11-15 and SEP 18-22

The next two weeks will include two home football games and a Band Booster Meeting.  The SEP 14 performance is on a Thursday night which is unusual.

*Metamorphosis Show Shirts Purchase Opportunity*

If you are interested in a Metamorphosis show shirt, please fill out this poll as soon as possible! We’d love to see our families and students all sporting these shirts and representing our band! The cost is still looking to be $20, but well worth it in comfort!

Home Football Games – Band Performance

SEP 14 –  Thursday Night Football against Veritas Prep –  Boosters will need volunteers for the Concession Cart, pre-game stand setup/teardown, water and snack duty.   Please keep an eye out for the SignUpGenius emails from Andrea Allan

SEP 22 –  Friday Night Football against Madison Highland Prep – Boosters will need volunteers for the Concession Cart, pre-game stand setup/teardown, water and snack duty.   Please keep an eye out for the SignUpGenius emails from Andrea Allan

Please see Ms. Morgan’s Band Calendar for call time and uniform information

Band Booster Meeting

SEP 21 –  Band Booster Meeting at SMHS 6pm-8pm (Thursday night – Band Room)

Drop off your kids for regular Thursday night marching practice and join us to find out what the Boosters will be planning for the next weeks/months

Meeting Agenda Highlights:

  • Homecoming and Senior Night football game Booster activities and volunteer needs
  • Upcoming FanAngel fundraiser
  • Prop construction activities for the show “Metamorphosis”
  • Planning for the marching competition events which begin OCT 7th with the first competition at Pinnacle High School


Student Payments

Student Payment –  Due to Boosters by Aug. 31  Student Payment Info and How To Pay     If you have not yet paid the Boosters, please get us your payment as soon as you can.  If you need to make a payment plan (2 payments) to help ease the burden, just email the Booster Treasurer  and work out a schedule.