Football Season is Here! First Home Game Friday AUG 25th


Home Football Game

Friday AUG 25th:  SMHS Matadors vs Phoenix Christian – Varsity Football 

The first home football game and Marching Band performance is this Friday night.  Games usually start at 7pm, but the Band will have an earlier call time which Ms. Morgan posts on her Band Calendar

The Band Boosters will need volunteers to help with the Popcorn/Snowcone concession cart, setting up lights in the stands for the band, water and snack duty, and assisting with pushing pit equipment onto the field at halftime.  Please look for the SignUpGenius emails from the Boosters this week.  

Please contact Andrea Allen if you do not receive the SignUpGenius emails this coming week.

Away Football Game

Friday SEP 1st:  SMHS Matadors @ Dysart HS – Varsity Football 

Stand Tunes only performance… marching.   See the Band Calendar for call time and uniform information. 

Student Payments

Student Payment –  Due to Boosters by Aug. 31  Student Payment Info and How To Pay

Show Shirts

The Show Shirts for this years show “Metamorphosis” should be delivered to us on Thursday AUG 24th.